Monday 18 May 2009

They are Similar, but They are different!!!!!

Those two movies, Rescue Dawn and The Shawshank Redemption, are my favorite movies, and I really like these kinds of movies. We can see some similarities in these two movies. In both of them, their accidents were happening in a prison. When they were in the prison, both heroes had the same purpose. The hero of Rescue Dawn, Dieter Dengler, tries to escape from the prison. Likewise, the hero of the Shawshank Redemption, Tim Robbins, wants to escape. Dieter is in a bad situation and is suffering poor treatment and Tim too. Both heroes meet some friends in the prison. Those friends are good helpers for the heroes’ escaping. At the end of the two movies, Dieter and Tim escape from the prison successfully.

Although there are some similar points in the two movies, the differences are more than similarities. A Rescue Dawn is a war movie because it is about Vietnam War when Degler's plane is shot down over Loas, and he is arrested by Vietnamies. In contrast, The Shawshank Redemption is a social movie because Robbins is accused of murdering his wife. Rescue Dawn is based on a true story in the Vietnam War, whereas the Shawshank Redemption is more like a non-true (fiction) and magic story.

In conclusion, I think both movies have great scenes when we see the heroes try to go out of prison. In this point, we can say the two movies are about freedom. On the other hand, both represent different ideas, and there are some different reasons that causes the accidents in both movies.

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