Thursday 21 May 2009

You Get Fifteen Democrats in a Room, and You Get Twenty Opinions

There are hundreds of definitions of democracy, but generally democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is held completely by the people under a free electoral system. In political theory, democracy describes a small number of related forms of government. There are two things that any definition of democracy includes. The first principle is that all members of the society have equal access and rights to power, and the second is that all members enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties. Democracy has been called the "last form of government" and has spread considerably across the globe.* Democracy limits the power of government. It is great because it does account for popular opinions. Democracy first appeared in ancient Greece.

I think the reason for having many definitions of democracy is that democracy is a system that represents the freedom of people. People feel free to do most of the things that they want, making rules, expressing their own ideas, freedom of media and voting...etc. Democracy goes with people's steps, and it performs what people want to do and think. In other words, you have the right to have your own beliefs, and to say and write what you think. No one can tell you what you must think, believe, and say or not say. When we say people participating in government, it doesn't mean all people work in it practically. It means people have representatives who are democrats in government to mention their requests. The person who is a representative must be a democrat because if he is not, he cannot govern democratic people who believe in democracy. On the the other hand, non-democratic people can be representatives because it's the same thing that democracy says.

*Recieving some information from Wikipedia for the introduction.

In democracy, people are the highest form of political authority. Not always does the majority win, but the rights of minorities are protected in various ways. People have rights to criticize their elected leaders and representatives on how to conduct the business of government. Office holders cannot use their power to enrich themselves. Representatives cannot extend more power without consulting with people. Political parties have the right to campaign freely, to present their proposals to the voters both directly and through the media. Each individual has the right to decide which party he wants to be a member of. No one can force him to be a member in his party. Also, women have rights to participate in both politics and civil society. People should be educated about their democratic rights and responsibilities, improve their political skills, represent their common interests, and be involved in political life. Besides, no one has the right to break the laws. People must be respectful of the laws and tolerant of the different views of other groups and individuals.

There is freedom of religion. Everyone is free to choose their own religion and practice their religion. Also, about culture, people can enjoy their own culture with other members of their group, even if their group is a minority. I think people can move to another country if they like under a democratic system. No ruler, minister, or political party can tell a judge how to decide a case.

But there are some limits for people because people cannot do everything they want. When you express your opinions, you should also listen to the views of other people, even people you disagree with. Everyone has a right to be heard. When you make demands, you should understand that in a democracy, it is impossible for everyone to achieve everything they want. People must respect the law and reject violence. Nothing ever justifies using violence against your political opponents, just because you disagree with them.

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