Wednesday 8 April 2009

Summery of using drugs in the US

Karwan Babakir Summary
Level 3- Mark
April 5, 2009
Drugs: Case for Legalizing Marijuana
It is the United State’s duty to write a law for using Marijuana in the United States because most of the people use the drug. Almost every drug is bad for people, so they should be warned about these drugs. Some people in the United States say that everyone has the right to do what he wants, but not annoying other people. The author talks about some historical events in the country when the government didn’t let people use these drugs, most of the people who were addict lost their life, so he thinks the US government was responsible of their dying. In the other hand, the drugs are produced illegally, but people use them.

*The author believes drugs should legal in the United States because:
1. People have rights to do what they want; even he says people can kill themselves.
2. The government cannot stop people from using them, no matter what. (It’s irrational to try).
3. Forbidding people something make them do these things more, and if using drugs is legal, people use them less.

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