Wednesday 15 April 2009

People Like Forbidden Things

I'm in complete agreement with the claim: "Forbidding people things they like or think they might enjoy only makes them want those things all the more."

It's the nature of people to always love their habits if these are bad or good. People have many habits in their lives, and they try to do them any way they can. They like to do everything without any interference by other people. People's habits are different. Some habits, people are addicted to them and cannot quit them.

There are many reasons people like forbidden things. When something is forbidden for a person, he thinks that the thing is important. The person asks some questions: Why is it forbidden? don't they want me to do this? So it makes him do the thing more. But sometimes peole are wrong because sometimes you know that doing something is not correct. For example, your father gives you advice. He tells you "do not smoke, smoking is not good." But you don't follow his advice. I don't know, but it is the nature of people to behave like that. Another example for is: Whern I was in high school, sometimes my parents or my older brothers were telling me to study and to not go out, but I could not study at that time.

People always want to breake laws because they do not want to limit their hobbies, and they don't have respect for laws because they have passion for their desires. For example, at first, our university made a rule for not speaking in any language except English, but the students were not following the rule,exept sometimes one of the teachers (Ryan) looked after them. Sometimes he threatened by telling them " you guys will be punished", but it didn't have any influence. All the students knew it was good for them, and they always said " we should speak English with each other all of the time", but it never happened.

In short, some things are bad and harmful, but people want to do them because when they do these things, they are comfortable. However there are consequences for doing these things, but they find a way to do them. People were born free, so they want to live freely.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Why Suicide?

A response to the cliam:"Every Man Should Have the Right to Kill Himself if He Chooses"

Life is full of events, and all events are different. Some events make people happy, and some make them really sad. Sometimes, we see people who are hopeless, deeply depressed and cannot control themselves when they have a problem. They are on the fence between life and death, and their conscience is tired. Suddenly, they choose the dark side and commit suicide. People kill themselves for many reasons. Sometimes the problems are personal matters and sometimes they are social matters, but there are always questions: Is suicide right even there are important reasons? Do we have the right to commit suicide? Suicide is not brave and not sane. It's weakness.

I’m in complete disagreement with suicide because it is not the way to release people from their problems. For example, sometimes money makes people choose suicide. This is crazy. Money is not worth killing yourself. You kill yourself, but does your money come back? No. Do you think will you find your money underground after your death? However losing money cases starving, but do you think we cannot solve the problem. Is there not anyone feed you? It's obvious that we cannot get anything from suicide, so why can’t you stand swith your problems, while there are hundreds of antidepressants? Try any of them, I’m, sure one of the antidepressants shows you the right way. My religion is Islam, so I know well that suicide is not allowed in our religion because we believe that God created us, and he takes our souls back himself. It's different if we talk about killing people by government because we talk about innocent people, and government does not kill innocent people. But when I say God takes our souls back, it does not mean he kills us (by gun or hanging) because god created us. It means he is our king. It is my belief. Only God can take back what he has created.

If someone kills himself, it's just like he kills another person because he kills a soul that has the right to live naturally. There is no connection between your soul and mind. If you have a problem, your mind is responsible for solving it because it's the minds duty. So don't kill your soul for your mind. Do your best, your mind has the ability to rescue you. If your mind doesn't have this ability, there are other people's minds avialable. Do not be shy if you tell someone your problem because your life is more important than anything else. A short while after solving the problem, you forget all the bad things happened, and your depression will not continue. Some people say "but sometimes educated people kill themselves." I say If an educated person kill himself, is that his education? Where is his education at that time? If they are educated, why didn't he use his mind to solve the problem?

I agree that people have right to decide for themselves, but I would ask why they have the right to commit suicide when it is just like killing another person? So does a person have the right to kill another person? If a person has committed a very big crime and is worth killing, but he cannot commit suicide as revenge because just government can revenge him, or a person cannot kill another person who did something very bad toward him except government. So I think people’s rights are limited because if not then terrorists have the right to kill innocent people. So I really think that people do not have the right to commit suicide.

I'm in agreement that some problms are very difficult, and they stuck minds, but we should strong and cry for help if we cannot solve our problems. Do not escape from your problems, but fight them, you'r stronger because it's nature that makes you stronger than anything else. I'm completely sure you'll be the winner and succeed. Be calm and listen to what other people are saying, and do not be afraid talking about suicide.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Summery of using drugs in the US

Karwan Babakir Summary
Level 3- Mark
April 5, 2009
Drugs: Case for Legalizing Marijuana
It is the United State’s duty to write a law for using Marijuana in the United States because most of the people use the drug. Almost every drug is bad for people, so they should be warned about these drugs. Some people in the United States say that everyone has the right to do what he wants, but not annoying other people. The author talks about some historical events in the country when the government didn’t let people use these drugs, most of the people who were addict lost their life, so he thinks the US government was responsible of their dying. In the other hand, the drugs are produced illegally, but people use them.

*The author believes drugs should legal in the United States because:
1. People have rights to do what they want; even he says people can kill themselves.
2. The government cannot stop people from using them, no matter what. (It’s irrational to try).
3. Forbidding people something make them do these things more, and if using drugs is legal, people use them less.
“The Broken Car’s Country”
Traffic laws arrange cars and save people from accidents. In Iraq, the traffic laws are not different between cities. In Hawler there have a lot of problems with traffic laws. However, most of the time, these problems are created by the drivers and the police officers themselves. The drivers are not very obedient because they always neglect the traffic laws. The roads aren’t cared for by the government. It’s important to update the traffic laws.
The drivers are not very obedient because they always neglect the traffic laws. Also they don’t use seatbelts, and don’t pay attention. Sometimes they bribe police officers for their disobediences. Some people drive cars without having a driver’s license. The government gives people the driver’s license easily because people bribe him.
The roads aren’t cared for by the government. They are very old, narrow, dangerous, and there are no traffic signs on the roads. Drivers roam all over the city with no particular place to go. There haven’t parking spaces for cars.
It’s important that the government and drivers do their duties. First, the government is in charge of educating the drivers about the driving laws. Second, the drivers must obey the rules to keep themselves safe. Police officers must do their duties faithfully.
In conclusion I think it’s important that the government reviews the traffic laws. These laws were written many years ago, and they are outdated. The government should update the roads because they are completely ruined. Also making more new roads. The drivers should follow the rules and respect them.